This semester has been very interesting for me because I am
finally getting to understand more about mass communications and journalism. MCJ 102 has opened my eyes
to what really goes into media writing. I will never look at another newspaper
article the same or listen to an advertisement on the radio or television
without thinking of the processes that went into making it.
I have learned so much about the proper usage of grammar and punctuation with the Associated Press book. It is true that this book will
become your best friend. Even with the
book I still make mistakes. There is so much to learn.
I have learned how to
create news leads, print releases, broadcast news, web writing, writing public
relations releases,writing radio and television news stories, writing advertisements scripts for radio and television with a
When I first started my assignments I had no confidence in
myself, but as the semester is coming to an end I have developed so much more confidence
in my writing abilities. I actually have enjoyed all the different types of
writing. I like the creative side of
making advertisements, but I have an extremely difficult time keeping the advertisement short. I believe though that my favorite
type of writing is the print news. I can
write longer sentences here. If I can
keep my words down I actually really enjoyed writing the 30 second radio ad script.
Before this class I had never blogger or used twitter. At first I did not like having to do this. I
found my self seeing or hearing about something and thinking that I should
remember that so I can blog or tweet about it.
I enjoy the quick way that you can tweet information and how you can blog
a lot of information. I already have
other news worthy information to blog about.
I believe that after this class I will be blogging and tweeting.
What I have learned about myself and this class is that I am
a procrastinator but in a good way. I
found that when I would read the assignment I would have to mull it over in my
mind for a bit of time before I could put my thoughts down on paper. I would think of the different ways to write
a lead that would draw my attention.
Usually it would hit me as I was typing the way the lead should read to hopefully draw the attention of the reader
or listener in.
This summer I am going to become a better typist. Right now
my typing skills are not the greatest. I need to increase my speed and use the proper technique. I look
forward to next semester to put the skills I have been taught in this class to further use.