Today people are able to access the news and what is going on
around them in an instant with the use of computers, tablets, and smart phones. In fact, one can be talking on the phone while
texting at the same time. There are also applications that can keep one in tune
with the breaking news stories from around the world. Although these methods are quick, they are
not always entirely accurate.
The challenges to writing and communicating clearly in the
21st century have become more acute. Different people, from young to old,
communicate differently. Poor
communication skills can interrupt the
flow of information through these sources.
The problem with writing and communicating today, with the
use of these forms of social media, is that sometimes it is hard to understand
what someone is trying to say because the text lacks tone and emotion as compared
with talking in person. Messages can also
be misunderstood because of a lack of proper writing skills. This can lead to misunderstandings between
businesses, friends, workers, etc.
When there is a possibility of a misunderstanding and the
message is important it is best to actually communicate verbally.
As to the communication devices that we are all so accustomed
to using and cannot live without, they have actually allowed us to be more informed
on the goings on in the world around us.
They often involve short snippets of information, however. Also, when one learns about such information
it can become complicated when the recipient, as mentioned above, then becomes
the purveyor.
Can the problems with communication be corrected is a
question many ask, and the answer is yes.
Where the information involves something important, one important safeguard
would be to ask for clarification and to confirm the facts by telephone to make
sure that there is no miscommunication. The
best communication would be one where both the visual and auditory were
present, however.
When this is impossible, communication in writing is still important.
When this is impossible, communication in writing is still important.
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