Sunday, March 16, 2014

Current Event: What is in your food?

Current Event 3

Looks like bread. Tastes like bread, but the question is… what is in the bread?

     Have you ever wondered about all the junk that is in our food? It seems as if there are more and more cases of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and unexplained illnesses that were not as prevalent years ago.
The Food and Drug Administration seems to look the other way when it comes to these money making chemicals that have been banned in other parts of the world.

     Recently, those who have been eating at Subway may have been surprised to know that Subway is using a chemical called Azodiacarbonamide(ADA) in its bread.  ADA is used in bread as a dough conditioner.  This chemical is also used to make the rubber that is in yoga mats, the rubber on the soles ofshoes, and synthetic leathers. Yummy! This doesn’t sound too appetizing or healthy.

     ADA is known to cause respiratory problems in people. This chemical has already been banned in Australia and Europe. Why does the U.S. take so long to remove chemicals that are so unhealthy for consumers?

     Subway is not the only fast food chain thatuses ADA in its breads.  McDonalds,Burger King, Wendys, Arbys, Jack in the Box, Chick-fil-A and Starbucks all reportedly have ADA in their bread products.   There are also hundreds of foods on our grocery store shelves that contain ADA, and some actually use the words “Healthy”, which is very deceptive. They include breads, bleached flours, cake mixes, etc.

     So, maybe the next time that you are eating and you have difficulty breathing, or your child, friend or yourself has an asthma attack, look to what you just ate.

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